Muskoka, Ontario
A National Multi-Day Corporate Conference For the Ages
This client has been hosting an annual convention for its membership since 1995 and has been growing every year. Carol Priest Entertainment brought me on to help support the advance planning and on-site execution starting in 2019 and with the exception of 2021 which was cancelled due to COVID-19, I’ve been able to support this family-friendly event every year since in a growing capacity.
This event of 250+ delegates ranging from ages 0 - 95, begins with dinner on a boat cruise featuring children’s entertainment paired with music and dancing before docking again with a fireworks salute. The following morning after breakfast with a talented musician serenading guests, an AGM opened by a corporate speaker fills the morning before the program breaks with some free time before lunch on an outdoor terrace featuring another musical act. After a golf tournament in the afternoon, families return to their Muskoka resort rooms to prepare for their annual themed costume party fun night complete with a live dance band and more dedicated children’s entertainment. On their final day, after another musical breakfast, meetings and lunch, a champagne gala and awards ceremony is held to celebrate another successful year of business, announce leadership changes, and say farewell to the delegates until next year.
With over fifteen vendors, several locations and events, an AV crew, a crew of ten stagehands and decorators, and hotel staff to manage, this client and event benefits greatly from having a dedicated team and point person through the planning stage all the way to on-site event and entertainment management. This ensures that no matter the weather or hiccup, everyone and their family is able to focus on what really matters: good business and having a good time.
Photography by Andrea Demars, Kaleidoscope Photography, and John A. MacDonald